Indirect Costs

What About Indirect Costs?

It is a commonly accepted practice for organizations seeking research support to include in their application what is referred to as “indirect costs.” Many granting agencies actually negotiate a rate or percentage of the total grant as their indirect costs. Such rates may range from a very low to a very high percentage of the total grant amount.

The NCMIC Foundation recognizes the importance of indirect costs as a necessary part of conducting business by the organization applying for research funds although the variance in the amount of indirect costs between organizations is troubling.

Because the NCMIC Foundation has a relatively small asset base from which research funds are distributed, the Foundation Board has established a policy that indirect costs will generally not be considered in any funding request.

While recognizing this policy may result in some challenges for organizations, it is felt such action will actually extend the grantmaking opportunities of the Foundation, enabling the funding of a greater number of requests.  

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